You can see our node data here. The UK has set limits. Figures in microgrammes per cubic metre (µg/m³):

ParameterNO2PM 2.5
WHO Annual Mean Guideline105
WHO Daily Mean Guideline2515
UK Annual Mean Objective4020

What we are collecting data about are small particles:

Pollution - particle sizes
Pollution – particle sizes

These are the sorts of readings we contribute to the London Air Quality Map:

240122 PM2.5 reading from 15th - 22nd Jan
240122 PM2.5 reading from 15th – 22nd Jan
240122 NO2 reading from 15th - 22nd Jan
240122 NO2 reading from 15th – 22nd Jan

Our pollution monitor data is harvested by the team at Imperial College:

Members of the Breathe London team @ White City-November 2022
Members of the Breathe London team @ White City-November 2022

Here is the sort of annual info we expect to be able to show from our node:

Annual Air Quality Statistics for a single monitoring node
Annual Air Quality Statistics for a single monitoring node

Here’s a selection of countries for comparison:

April 2010 Air pollution levels around the world
April 2010 Air pollution levels around the world