
Haringey Fixers is a UK-registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a CIO). We are a not-for-profit charity who use the CIO ‘association’ model. Our members (local people) make the decisions. We are community-led.

The decisions so far made are detailed in our governing document. Only the members can make changes to our governing document and\or dismiss\appoint our Trustees, normally at our annual general meeting (AGM) where they instruct the Trustees what they wish to achieve in the year that follows. The Trustees aim to deliver on those instructions.

Trustees follow this guidance as to governance

Photoshoot 11th March 2022
Photoshoot 11th March 2022

Our trustees (3rd, 4th and 5th from the left in the photo) are:

[email protected]: Chris Setz

Chris started his IT career before Bill Gates and has done every job in Computing in several countries, including Chair of a Professional Association. He is an experienced repairer and member of the Labour Party.

The Chair leads the team, implementing what members decide at our AGM

[email protected]: Friedrich Ernst

Friedrich moved from Germany to make London his home several decades ago. He’s been a member of the UK Green party since 2001 and a Board member of Haringey Neighbourhood watch since 2015. He has experience as a Treasurer.

The Treasurer oversees our finances

[email protected]: Caesar Lalobo

Caesar has been an active member of his community, notably the Broadwater Farm Residents Association for many years, having moved in over twenty years ago. He has stood as a Conservative candidate in local elections in Haringey.

The Secretary is responsible for keeping accurate records