AGM Minutes – Year 1

The Chair began the meeting at 10am on Sunday 26th Nov 2023 with a welcome and introduction. The meeting was recorded for verification.

Given the number of members added to our lists as of the AGM Notice date, the Chair declared the meeting quorate, allowing the Agenda to be followed.

There were no apologies for absence

When called for by the Chair, there were no declarations of pecuniary interest

Members were asked to vote YES, NO or ABSTAIN on three resolutions, about which questions were encouraged before voting took place:

Resolution 1: Having seen the advance copies linked to below, members were asked to adopt/receive :
1a) The Annual Report from the Trustees for 2022/2023
1b) The Annual Review from the Chair
1c) The Financial Statement for 2022/2023 from the Treasurer

This Resolution was unanimously adopted.

Resolution 2: To accept the following nominees for a term of three years:

[email protected]Chris Setz
[email protected]Friedrich Ernst
[email protected]Caesar Lalobo

This Resolution was unanimously adopted.

Resolution 3: Β To consider and vote on the proposed resolution:

3a) To enable members to vote by proxy in future meetings

This Resolution was unanimously adopted.

Any other business – there was none.

Date of next meeting – to be decided after the end of next Year (31st August)

The Chair closed the meeting with thanks to the participants at 10:20am.